ONNX 1.15.0-gfbf-2023a

Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) is an open ecosystem that empowers AI developers to choose the right tools as their project evolves. ONNX provides an open source format for AI models, both deep learning and traditional ML. It defines an extensible computation graph model, as well as definitions of built-in operators and standard data types. Currently we focus on the capabilities needed for inferencing (scoring).

Accessing ONNX 1.15.0-gfbf-2023a

To load the module for ONNX 1.15.0-gfbf-2023a please use this command on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs):

📋 module load bear-apps/2023a
module load ONNX/1.15.0-gfbf-2023a

BEAR Apps Version




The listed architectures consist of two part: OS-CPU. The OS used is represented by EL and there are several different processor (CPU) types available on BlueBEAR. More information about the processor types on BlueBEAR is available on the BlueBEAR Job Submission page.

More Information

For more information visit the ONNX website.


This version of ONNX has a direct dependency on: gfbf/2023a protobuf-python/4.24.0-GCCcore-12.3.0 Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0 SciPy-bundle/2023.07-gfbf-2023a typing-extensions/4.9.0-GCCcore-12.3.0

Required By

This version of ONNX is a direct dependent of: hssm/0.2.2-foss-2023a

Last modified on 14th August 2024