
Provides some easy-to-use functions to extract and visualize the output of multivariate data analyses, including 'PCA' (Principal Component Analysis), 'CA' (Correspondence Analysis), 'MCA' (Multiple Correspondence Analysis), 'FAMD' (Factor Analysis of Mixed Data), 'MFA' (Multiple Factor Analysis) and 'HMFA' (Hierarchical Multiple Factor Analysis) functions from different R packages. It contains also functions for simplifying some clustering analysis steps and provides 'ggplot2' - based elegant data visualization.

More Information

For more information visit the factoextra website.

Available Versions

These versions of factoextra are available on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs). These will be retained in accordance with our Applications Support and Retention Policy.

Version BEAR Apps Version
1.0.7-foss-2020a-R-4.0.0 2020a