matplotlib 3.7.2-gfbf-2023a
matplotlib is a python 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures in a variety of hardcopy formats and interactive environments across platforms. matplotlib can be used in python scripts, the python and ipython shell, web application servers, and six graphical user interface toolkits.Accessing matplotlib 3.7.2-gfbf-2023a
To load the module for matplotlib 3.7.2-gfbf-2023a please use this command on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs):
module load bear-apps/2023a
module load matplotlib/3.7.2-gfbf-2023a
BEAR Apps Version
EL8-cascadelake — EL8-icelake — EL8-sapphirerapids
The listed architectures consist of two part: OS-CPU. The OS used is represented by EL and there are several different processor (CPU) types available on BlueBEAR. More information about the processor types on BlueBEAR is available on the BlueBEAR Job Submission page.
- contourpy 1.1.0
- Cycler 0.11.0
- fonttools 4.42.0
- kiwisolver 1.4.4
- matplotlib 3.7.2
More Information
For more information visit the matplotlib website.
This version of matplotlib has a direct dependency on: freetype/2.13.0-GCCcore-12.3.0 gfbf/2023a libpng/1.6.39-GCCcore-12.3.0 Pillow/10.0.0-GCCcore-12.3.0 Python/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0 Qhull/2020.2-GCCcore-12.3.0 SciPy-bundle/2023.07-gfbf-2023a Tkinter/3.11.3-GCCcore-12.3.0
Required By
This version of matplotlib is a direct dependent of: ArviZ/0.16.1-foss-2023a bokeh/3.2.2-foss-2023a Cartopy/0.22.0-foss-2023a contextily/1.5.0-foss-2023a earthpy/0.9.4-foss-2023a geopandas/0.14.2-foss-2023a GRAPE/0.2.4-foss-2023a imageio/2.33.1-gfbf-2023a MNE-Python/1.7.1-foss-2023a rasterio/1.3.9-foss-2023a scikit-image/0.22.0-foss-2023a Seaborn/0.13.2-gfbf-2023a TorchGeo/0.6.0-foss-2023a-CUDA-12.1.1 TorchGeo/0.6.0-foss-2023a Ultralytics/8.2.90-foss-2023a Ultralytics/8.2.90-foss-2023a-CUDA-12.1.1
Other Versions
These versions of matplotlib are available on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs). These will be retained in accordance with our Applications Support and Retention Policy.
Last modified on 1st July 2024