R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.19-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.

Accessing R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.19-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1

To load the module for R-bundle-Bioconductor 3.19-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1 please use this command on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs):

📋 module load bear-apps/2023a
module load R-bundle-Bioconductor/3.19-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1

BEAR Apps Version




The listed architectures consist of two part: OS-CPU. The OS used is represented by EL and there are several different processor (CPU) types available on BlueBEAR. More information about the processor types on BlueBEAR is available on the BlueBEAR Job Submission page.


  • affxparser 1.76.0
  • affy 1.82.0
  • affycoretools 1.76.0
  • affyio 1.74.0
  • AgiMicroRna 2.54.0
  • agricolae-1.3-7
  • ALDEx2 1.36.0
  • ALL 1.46.0
  • ANCOMBC 2.6.0
  • annaffy 1.76.0
  • annotate 1.82.0
  • AnnotationDbi 1.66.0
  • AnnotationFilter 1.28.0
  • AnnotationForge 1.46.0
  • AnnotationHub 3.12.0
  • anytime 0.3.9
  • aroma.affymetrix 3.2.2
  • aroma.apd 0.7.0
  • aroma.core 3.3.1
  • aroma.light 3.34.0
  • ash-1.0-15
  • ATACseqQC 1.28.0
  • AUCell 1.26.0
  • aws.s3 0.3.21
  • aws.signature 0.6.0
  • babelgene 22.9
  • ballgown 2.36.0
  • basilisk 1.16.0
  • basilisk.utils 1.16.0
  • batchelor 1.20.0
  • baySeq 2.38.0
  • beachmat 2.20.0
  • Biobase 2.64.0
  • BiocBaseUtils 1.6.0
  • BiocFileCache 2.12.0
  • BiocGenerics 0.50.0
  • BiocIO 1.14.0
  • BiocManager 1.30.23
  • BiocNeighbors 1.22.0
  • BiocParallel 1.38.0
  • BiocSingular 1.20.0
  • BiocStyle 2.32.1
  • BiocVersion 3.19.1
  • biomaRt 2.60.0
  • biomformat 1.32.0
  • Biostrings 2.72.1
  • biovizBase 1.52.0
  • blme-1.0-5
  • bluster 1.14.0
  • bookdown 0.39
  • BSgenome 1.72.0
  • BSgenome.Cfamiliaris.UCSC.canFam3 1.4.0
  • BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19 1.4.3
  • BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg38 1.4.5
  • BSgenome.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 1.4.3
  • bsseq 1.40.0
  • bumphunter 1.46.0
  • ca 0.71.1
  • CAGEfightR 1.24.0
  • CAGEr 2.10.0
  • CAMERA 1.60.0
  • Category 2.70.0
  • ccdata 1.30.0
  • ccmap 1.30.0
  • CGHbase 1.64.0
  • CGHcall 2.66.0
  • ChIPpeakAnno 3.38.0
  • chromVAR 1.26.0
  • clusterProfiler 4.12.0
  • CNEr 1.40.0
  • coloc 5.2.3
  • colorRamps 2.3.4
  • ComplexHeatmap 2.20.0
  • ConsensusClusterPlus 1.68.0
  • conumee 1.38.0
  • crossmeta 1.30.0
  • cummeRbund 2.46.0
  • cytolib 2.16.0
  • CytoML 2.16.0
  • dada2 1.32.0
  • ddPCRclust 1.24.0
  • DECIPHER 3.0.0
  • DeconRNASeq 1.46.0
  • decontam 1.24.0
  • decoupleR 2.10.0
  • DEGseq 1.58.0
  • DelayedArray 0.30.1
  • DelayedMatrixStats 1.26.0
  • densEstBayes-1.0-2.2
  • derfinder 1.38.0
  • derfinderHelper 1.38.0
  • DESeq2 1.44.0
  • diffcyt 1.24.0
  • dir.expiry 1.12.0
  • directlabels 2024.1.21
  • DirichletMultinomial 1.46.0
  • DNABarcodes 1.34.0
  • DNAcopy 1.78.0
  • DO.db 2.9
  • docopt 0.7.1
  • DOSE 3.30.1
  • dqrng 0.4.1
  • DRIMSeq 1.32.0
  • DropletUtils 1.24.0
  • DSS 2.52.0
  • dupRadar 1.34.0
  • DynDoc 1.82.0
  • EBImage 4.46.0
  • edgeR 4.2.0
  • egg 0.4.5
  • enrichplot 1.24.0
  • EnsDb.Hsapiens.v75 2.99.0
  • EnsDb.Hsapiens.v79 2.99.0
  • EnsDb.Hsapiens.v86 2.99.0
  • ensembldb 2.28.0
  • escape 2.0.0
  • ExperimentHub 2.12.0
  • extraDistr 1.10.0
  • factoextra 1.0.7
  • fANCOVA-0.6-1
  • fda 6.1.8
  • FDb.InfiniumMethylation.hg19 2.2.0
  • fds 1.8
  • feature 1.2.15
  • fgsea 1.30.0
  • filelock 1.0.3
  • flowAI 1.34.0
  • flowClean 1.42.0
  • flowClust 3.42.0
  • flowCore 2.16.0
  • flowDensity 1.38.0
  • flowFP 1.62.0
  • flowMerge 2.52.0
  • flowPeaks 1.50.0
  • FlowSOM 2.12.0
  • FlowSorted.Blood.EPIC 2.8.0
  • FlowSorted.CordBloodCombined.450k 1.20.0
  • flowStats 4.16.0
  • flowViz 1.68.0
  • flowWorkspace 4.16.0
  • FRASER 2.0.0
  • fresh 0.2.0
  • gcrma 2.76.0
  • gdsfmt 1.40.0
  • genefilter 1.86.0
  • geneLenDataBase 1.40.1
  • geneplotter 1.82.0
  • GENESIS 2.34.0
  • GENIE3 1.26.0
  • GenomeInfoDb 1.40.1
  • GenomeInfoDbData 1.2.12
  • GenomicAlignments 1.40.0
  • GenomicFeatures 1.56.0
  • GenomicFiles 1.40.0
  • GenomicInteractions 1.38.0
  • GenomicRanges 1.56.1
  • GenomicScores 2.16.0
  • GEOmap-2.5-5
  • GEOquery 2.72.0
  • ggbio 1.52.0
  • ggcyto 1.32.0
  • ggdendro 0.2.0
  • ggnewscale 0.4.10
  • ggpointdensity 0.1.0
  • ggrastr 1.0.2
  • ggseqlogo 0.2
  • ggthemes 5.1.0
  • ggtree 3.12.0
  • GLAD 2.68.0
  • Glimma 2.14.0
  • GlobalAncova 4.22.0
  • globaltest 5.58.0
  • GO.db 3.19.1
  • GOSemSim 2.30.0
  • goseq 1.56.0
  • GOstats 2.70.0
  • graph 1.82.0
  • graphite 1.50.0
  • GSEABase 1.66.0
  • gsmoothr 0.1.7
  • gson 0.1.0
  • GSVA 1.52.3
  • Gviz 1.48.0
  • GWASExactHW 1.2
  • GWASTools 1.50.0
  • hahmmr 1.0.0
  • HDF5Array 1.32.0
  • HDO.db 0.99.1
  • hdrcde 3.4
  • heatmaply 1.5.0
  • hgu133plus2.db 3.13.0
  • HiCBricks 1.22.0
  • HiCcompare 1.26.0
  • HMMcopy 1.46.0
  • Homo.sapiens 1.3.1
  • IHW 1.32.0
  • IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19 0.6.1
  • IlluminaHumanMethylation450kmanifest 0.4.0
  • IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b2.hg19 0.6.0
  • IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICanno.ilm10b4.hg19 0.6.0
  • IlluminaHumanMethylationEPICmanifest 0.3.0
  • illuminaio 0.46.0
  • impute 1.78.0
  • InteractionSet 1.32.0
  • interactiveDisplayBase 1.42.0
  • intervals 0.15.4
  • IRanges 2.38.0
  • isva 1.9
  • JASPAR2020 0.99.10
  • KEGGgraph 1.64.0
  • KEGGREST 1.44.1
  • LEA 3.16.0
  • limma 3.60.3
  • log4r 0.4.3
  • lpsymphony 1.32.0
  • lsa 0.73.3
  • lumi 2.56.0
  • M3Drop 1.30.0
  • marray 1.82.0
  • maSigPro 1.76.0
  • MassSpecWavelet 1.70.0
  • MatrixGenerics 1.16.0
  • MBA-0.1-0
  • MEDIPS 1.56.0
  • MetaboCoreUtils 1.12.0
  • metagenomeSeq 1.46.0
  • metaMA 3.1.3
  • metap 1.10
  • metapod 1.12.0
  • MethylSeekR 1.44.0
  • methylumi 2.50.0
  • Mfuzz 2.64.0
  • mia 1.12.0
  • minfi 1.50.0
  • missMethyl 1.38.0
  • mixOmics 6.28.0
  • mixsqp-0.3-54
  • MLInterfaces 1.84.0
  • MotifDb 1.46.0
  • motifmatchr 1.26.0
  • motifStack 1.48.0
  • MsCoreUtils 1.16.0
  • MsExperiment 1.6.0
  • MsFeatures 1.12.0
  • msigdbr 7.5.1
  • MSnbase 2.30.1
  • MSstats 4.12.0
  • MSstatsConvert 1.14.0
  • MSstatsLiP 1.10.0
  • MSstatsPTM 2.6.0
  • MSstatsTMT 2.12.1
  • MultiAssayExperiment 1.30.2
  • MultiDataSet 1.32.0
  • multtest 2.60.0
  • muscat 1.18.0
  • mutoss-0.1-13
  • mzID 1.42.0
  • mzR 2.38.0
  • NADA-1.6-1.1
  • ncdfFlow 2.50.0
  • NMF 0.27
  • NOISeq 2.48.0
  • numbat 1.4.0
  • oligo 1.68.2
  • oligoClasses 1.66.0
  • ontologyIndex 2.12
  • oompaBase 3.2.9
  • oompaData 3.1.4
  • openCyto 2.16.1
  • org.Hs.eg.db 3.19.1
  • org.Mm.eg.db 3.19.1
  • org.Rn.eg.db 3.19.1
  • OrganismDbi 1.46.0
  • OUTRIDER 1.22.0
  • pathview 1.44.0
  • pcaMethods 1.96.0
  • perm-1.0-0.4
  • PFAM.db 3.19.1
  • phyloseq 1.48.0
  • plyranges 1.24.0
  • pmp 1.16.0
  • polyester 1.39.0
  • poweRlaw 0.80.0
  • preprocessCore 1.66.0
  • pRoloc 1.44.1
  • pRolocdata 1.42.0
  • pRolocGUI 2.14.0
  • ProtGenerics 1.36.0
  • PRROC 1.3.1
  • PSCBS 0.67.0
  • PSMatch 1.8.0
  • PureCN 2.10.0
  • pwalign 1.0.0
  • qap-0.1-2
  • QDNAseq 1.40.0
  • QFeatures 1.14.1
  • qlcMatrix 0.9.8
  • qqconf 1.3.2
  • quantsmooth 1.70.0
  • qvalue 2.36.0
  • R.devices 2.17.2
  • R.filesets 2.15.1
  • R.huge 0.10.1
  • rainbow 3.8
  • randomcoloR
  • RBGL 1.80.0
  • RcisTarget 1.24.0
  • RcppAnnoy 0.0.22
  • RcppHNSW 0.6.0
  • RcppML 0.3.7
  • RcppZiggurat 0.1.6
  • reactome.db 1.88.0
  • ReactomePA 1.48.0
  • regioneR 1.36.0
  • reldist-1.7-2
  • remaCor 0.0.18
  • Repitools 1.50.0
  • ReportingTools 2.44.0
  • ResidualMatrix 1.14.0
  • restfulr 0.0.15
  • Rfast 2.1.0
  • RFOC-3.4-10
  • rGADEM 2.52.0
  • Rgraphviz 2.48.0
  • rhdf5 2.48.0
  • rhdf5filters 1.16.0
  • Rhdf5lib 1.26.0
  • Rhtslib 3.0.0
  • Ringo 1.66.0
  • RNASeqPower 1.44.0
  • RnBeads 2.22.0
  • RnBeads.hg19 1.36.0
  • RnBeads.hg38 1.36.0
  • RnBeads.mm10 2.12.0
  • RnBeads.mm9 1.36.0
  • RnBeads.rn5 1.36.0
  • ROC 1.80.0
  • rols 3.0.0
  • ROntoTools 2.32.0
  • ropls 1.36.0
  • RPMG-2.2-7
  • RProtoBufLib 2.16.0
  • Rsamtools 2.20.0
  • RSEIS-4.2-0
  • Rsubread 2.18.0
  • rsvd 1.0.5
  • rtracklayer 1.64.0
  • Rwave-2.6-5
  • S4Arrays 1.4.1
  • S4Vectors 0.42.0
  • samr 3.0
  • SamSPECTRAL 1.58.0
  • SC3 1.32.0
  • ScaledMatrix 1.12.0
  • SCANVIS 1.18.0
  • scater 1.32.0
  • scattermore 1.2
  • scDblFinder 1.18.0
  • scistreer 1.2.0
  • scran 1.32.0
  • scrime 1.3.5
  • scuttle 1.14.0
  • SeqArray 1.44.0
  • seqLogo 1.70.0
  • SeqVarTools 1.42.0
  • seriation 1.5.5
  • Seurat 5.1.0
  • SeuratObject 5.0.2
  • shinyBS 0.61.1
  • shinydashboardPlus 2.0.4
  • shinyFiles 0.9.3
  • shinyhelper 0.3.2
  • shinypanel 0.1.5
  • shinyWidgets 0.8.6
  • ShortRead 1.62.0
  • siggenes 1.78.0
  • Signac 1.13.0
  • simplifyEnrichment 1.14.0
  • SingleCellExperiment 1.26.0
  • SingleR 2.6.0
  • sitmo 2.0.2
  • slingshot 2.12.0
  • SMVar 1.3.4
  • SNPRelate 1.38.0
  • snpStats 1.54.0
  • SparseArray 1.4.8
  • sparseMatrixStats 1.16.0
  • sparsesvd-0.2-2
  • SpatialExperiment 1.14.0
  • Spectra 1.14.1
  • SPIA 2.56.0
  • splancs-2.01-45
  • SPOTlight 1.8.0
  • stageR 1.26.0
  • struct 1.16.0
  • structToolbox 1.16.0
  • SummarizedExperiment 1.34.0
  • susieR 0.12.35
  • sva 3.52.0
  • TailRank 3.2.2
  • TFBSTools 1.42.0
  • TFMPvalue 0.0.9
  • tkWidgets 1.82.0
  • TrajectoryUtils 1.12.0
  • treeio 1.28.0
  • TreeSummarizedExperiment 2.12.0
  • TSP-1.2-4
  • TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene 3.2.2
  • TxDb.Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10.knownGene 3.10.0
  • txdbmaker 1.0.0
  • tximport 1.32.0
  • UCell 2.8.0
  • UCSC.utils 1.0.0
  • universalmotif 1.22.0
  • uwot 0.2.2
  • variancePartition 1.34.0
  • VariantAnnotation 1.50.0
  • venn 1.12
  • vsn 3.72.0
  • waiter 0.2.5
  • wateRmelon 2.10.0
  • WGCNA-1.72-5
  • widgetTools 1.82.0
  • Wrench 1.22.0
  • xcms 4.2.2
  • XVector 0.44.0
  • zCompositions-1.5.0-4
  • zellkonverter 1.14.0
  • zlibbioc 1.50.0

More Information

For more information visit the R-bundle-Bioconductor website.


This version of R-bundle-Bioconductor has a direct dependency on: arrow-R/14.0.1-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1 Boost/1.82.0-GCC-12.3.0 foss/2023a GSL/2.7-GCC-12.3.0 R/4.4.1-gfbf-2023a

Required By

This version of R-bundle-Bioconductor is a direct dependent of: BEAR-R-bio/2023a-foss-2023a-R-4.4.1

Other Versions

These versions of R-bundle-Bioconductor are available on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs). These will be retained in accordance with our Applications Support and Retention Policy.

Last modified on 28th June 2024