R 4.1.2-foss-2021b
R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics.Accessing R 4.1.2-foss-2021b
To load the module for R 4.1.2-foss-2021b please use this command on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs):
module load bear-apps/2021b
module load R/4.1.2-foss-2021b
BEAR Apps Version
EL8-cascadelake — EL8-icelake — EL8-sapphirerapids
The listed architectures consist of two parts: OS-CPU. The OS used is represented by EL and there are several different processor (CPU) types available on BlueBEAR. More information about the processor types on BlueBEAR is available on the BlueBEAR Job Submission page.
Plotting in R and X11 Errors
If you receive an error message
unable to open connection to X11 display
when generating plots then you should either:
- add
before plotting - or change the plot command to include
- abc 2.1
- abc.data 1.0
- abe 3.0.1
- abind-1.4-5
- acepack 1.4.1
- adabag 4.2
- ade4-1.7-18
- ADGofTest 0.3
- aggregation 1.0.1
- AICcmodavg-2.3-1
- akima-0.6-2.2
- alabama-2015.3-1
- AlgDesign 1.2.0
- alluvial-0.1-2
- AnalyzeFMRI-1.1-24
- animation 2.7
- aod 1.3.1
- apcluster 1.4.9
- ape 5.5
- argparse 2.1.2
- arm-1.12-2
- askpass 1.1
- asnipe 1.1.16
- assertive-0.3-6
- assertive.base-0.0-9
- assertive.code-0.0-3
- assertive.data-0.0-3
- assertive.data.uk-0.0-2
- assertive.data.us-0.0-2
- assertive.datetimes-0.0-3
- assertive.files-0.0-2
- assertive.matrices-0.0-2
- assertive.models-0.0-2
- assertive.numbers-0.0-2
- assertive.properties-0.0-4
- assertive.reflection-0.0-5
- assertive.sets-0.0-3
- assertive.strings-0.0-3
- assertive.types-0.0-3
- assertthat 0.2.1
- AUC 0.3.0
- audio-0.1-8
- aws-2.5-1
- awsMethods-1.1-1
- b a
- backports 1.3.0
- bacr 1.0.1
- bartMachine 1.2.6
- bartMachineJARs 1.1
- base64 2.0
- base64enc-0.1-3
- BatchJobs 1.8
- batchmeans-1.0-4
- BayesianTools 0.1.7
- bayesm-3.1-4
- BayesPen 1.0
- bayesplot 1.8.1
- BB-2019.10-1
- BBmisc 1.11
- bbmle 1.0.24
- BCEE 1.3.0
- BDgraph 2.64
- bdsmatrix-1.3-4
- beanplot 1.2
- beeswarm 0.4.0
- betareg-3.1-4
- BH-1.75.0-0
- BiasedUrn 1.07
- bibtex
- BIGL 1.6.5
- bigmemory 4.5.36
- bigmemory.sri 0.1.3
- bindr 0.1.1
- bindrcpp 0.2.2
- bio3d-2.4-2
- biom 0.3.12
- biomod2 3.5.1
- bit 4.0.4
- bit64 4.0.5
- bitops-1.0-7
- blavaan-0.3-17
- blob 1.2.2
- BMA 3.18.15
- bmp 0.3
- bnlearn 4.7
- bold 1.2.0
- boot-1.3-28
- bootstrap 2019.6
- Boruta 7.0.0
- brew-1.0-6
- brglm 0.7.2
- bridgedist 0.1.0
- bridgesampling-1.1-2
- brio 1.1.2
- brms 2.16.1
- Brobdingnag-1.2-6
- broom 0.7.10
- broom.helpers 1.4.0
- broom.mixed 0.2.7
- bslib 0.3.1
- bst-0.3-23
- c o
- cachem 1.0.6
- Cairo-1.5-12.2
- calibrate 1.7.7
- callr 3.7.0
- car-3.0-11
- carData-3.0-4
- caret-6.0-90
- catlearn 0.8
- caTools 1.18.2
- CBPS 0.22
- celestial 1.4.6
- cellranger 1.1.0
- cgdsr 1.3.0
- cghFLasso-0.2-1
- checkmate 2.0.0
- chemometrics 1.4.2
- chron-2.3-56
- circlize 0.4.13
- circular-0.4-93
- class-7.3-19
- classInt-0.4-3
- cli 3.1.0
- clipr 0.7.1
- clisymbols 1.2.0
- clue-0.3-60
- cluster 2.1.2
- clusterGeneration 1.3.7
- clusterRepro 0.9
- clustree 0.4.3
- clValid 0.7
- cmprsk-2.2-11
- cNORM 2.1.0
- cobalt 4.3.1
- cobs-1.3-4
- coda-0.19-4
- codetools-0.2-18
- coin-1.4-2
- collapse 1.6.5
- colorspace-2.0-2
- colourpicker 1.1.1
- combinat-0.0-8
- ComICS 1.0.4
- commonmark 1.7
- compositions-2.0-2
- CompQuadForm 1.4.3
- conditionz 0.1.0
- conquer 1.2.0
- copCAR-2.0-4
- copula-1.0-1
- corpcor 1.6.10
- corrplot 0.90
- covr 3.5.1
- CovSel 1.2.1
- covsim 0.2.1
- cowplot 1.1.1
- coxed 0.3.3
- coxme-2.2-16
- cpp11 0.4.0
- crayon 1.4.2
- credentials 1.3.1
- crosstalk 1.1.1
- crul 1.1.0
- cSEM 0.4.0
- csSAM 1.2.4
- ctmle 0.1.2
- cubature
- cubelyr 1.0.1
- curl 4.3.2
- cvAUC 1.1.0
- CVST-0.2-2
- d a
- d3Network
- dagitty-0.3-1
- data.table 1.14.2
- data.tree 1.0.0
- DataCombine 0.2.21
- date-1.2-39
- dbarts-0.9-20
- DBI 1.1.1
- dbplyr 2.1.1
- dcurver 0.9.2
- ddalpha 1.3.11
- deal-1.2-39
- debugme 1.1.0
- deldir-1.0-6
- dendextend 1.15.2
- DEoptim-2.2-6
- DEoptimR-1.0-9
- Deriv 4.1.3
- desc 1.4.0
- DescTools 0.99.43
- deSolve 1.30
- devtools 2.4.2
- dfidx-0.0-4
- DHARMa 0.4.4
- dHSIC 2.1
- diagram 1.6.5
- DiagrammeR
- DiceKriging 1.6.0
- dichromat-2.0-0
- diffobj 0.3.5
- digest 0.6.28
- dimRed 0.2.3
- diptest-0.76-0
- DiscriMiner-0.1-29
- dismo-1.3-5
- distillery-1.2-1
- distr 2.8.0
- distrEx 2.8.0
- distributional 0.2.2
- DistributionUtils-0.6-0
- diveRsity 1.9.90
- DMCfun 2.0.2
- docstring 1.0.0
- doMC 1.3.7
- doParallel 1.0.16
- doRNG 1.8.2
- doSNOW 1.0.19
- dotCall64-1.0-1
- downloader 0.4
- dplyr 1.0.7
- dr 3.0.10
- drgee 1.1.10
- DRR 0.0.4
- drugCombo 1.2.1
- DT 0.19
- dtangle 2.0.9
- dtplyr 1.1.0
- DTRreg 1.7
- dtw-1.22-3
- dummies 1.5.6
- dygraphs
- dynamicTreeCut-1.63-1
- e1071-1.7-9
- earth 5.3.1
- EasyABC 1.5
- elementR 1.3.7
- ellipse 0.4.2
- ellipsis 0.3.2
- emdbook 1.3.12
- emulator-1.2-21
- energy-1.7-8
- ENMeval 2.0.1
- entropy 1.3.1
- EnvStats 2.4.0
- ergm 4.1.2
- ergm.count 4.0.2
- evaluate 0.14
- EValue 4.1.2
- evd-2.3-3
- Exact 3.0
- expm-0.999-6
- ExPosition 2.8.23
- expsmooth 2.3
- extrafont 0.17
- extrafontdb 1.0
- extRemes-2.1-1
- FactoMineR 2.4
- FactorCopula 0.8
- fail 1.3
- fansi 0.5.0
- farver 2.1.0
- fastcluster 1.2.3
- fasterize 1.0.3
- fastICA-1.2-3
- fastmap 1.1.0
- fastmatch-1.1-3
- fdrtool 1.2.16
- feather 0.3.5
- ff 4.0.5
- ffbase 0.13.3
- fftw-1.0-6
- fftwtools-0.9-11
- fields 13.3
- filehash-2.4-2
- finalfit 1.0.3
- findpython 1.0.7
- fishMod 0.29
- fitdistrplus-1.1-6
- flashClust-1.01-2
- flexclust-1.4-0
- flexmix-2.3-17
- fma 2.4
- fmri 1.9.6
- FNN 1.1.3
- fontawesome 0.2.2
- forcats 0.5.1
- foreach 1.5.1
- forecast 8.15
- foreign-0.8-81
- formatR 1.11
- Formula-1.2-4
- formula.tools 1.7.1
- fossil 0.4.0
- fpc-2.2-9
- fpp 0.5
- fracdiff-1.5-1
- fs 1.5.0
- futile.logger 1.4.3
- futile.options 1.0.1
- future 1.23.0
- future.apply 1.8.1
- g r
- g r
- g r
- gam 1.20
- gamlss-5.3-4
- gamlss.data-6.0-1
- gamlss.dist-5.3-2
- gamlss.tr-5.1-7
- gamm4-0.2-6
- gap-1.2.3-1
- gapfill-0.9.6-1
- gargle 1.2.0
- gaussquad-1.0-2
- gbm 2.1.8
- gbRd-0.4-11
- gclus 1.3.2
- gdalUtils
- gdata 2.18.0
- gdistance-1.3-6
- gee-4.13-20
- geepack-1.3-2
- geex 1.0.12
- geiger 2.0.7
- GeneNet 1.2.15
- generics 0.1.1
- genoPlotR 0.8.11
- GenSA 1.1.7
- geojsonsf 2.0.1
- geometries 0.2.0
- geometry 0.4.5
- gert 1.4.1
- getopt 1.20.3
- GetoptLong 1.0.5
- GGally 2.1.2
- ggbeeswarm 0.6.0
- ggdag 0.2.4
- ggExtra 0.9
- ggfan 0.1.3
- ggforce 0.3.3
- ggnetwork 0.5.10
- ggplot2 3.3.5
- ggpubr 0.4.0
- ggraph 2.0.5
- ggrepel 0.9.1
- ggridges 0.5.3
- ggsci 2.9
- ggsignif 0.6.3
- ggvis 0.4.7
- gh 1.3.0
- GillespieSSA 0.6.1
- git2r 0.28.0
- gitcreds 0.1.1
- GJRM-0.2-5.1
- glasso 1.11
- gld 2.6.2
- gllvm 1.3.1
- glmmML 1.1.1
- glmmTMB
- glmnet-4.1-2
- GlobalOptions 0.1.2
- globals 0.14.0
- glue 1.4.2
- gmm-1.6-6
- gmodels 2.18.1
- gmp-0.6-2
- gnumeric-0.7-8
- goftest-1.2-3
- gomms 1.0
- googledrive 2.0.0
- googlesheets4 1.0.0
- gower 0.2.2
- GPArotation-2014.11-1
- gplots 3.1.1
- graphlayouts 0.7.1
- grf 2.0.2
- gridBase-0.4-7
- gridExtra 2.3
- grImport2-0.2-0
- grpreg 3.4.0
- GSA 1.03.1
- gsalib 2.1
- gsl-2.1-7
- gsw-1.0-6
- gt 0.3.1
- gtable 0.3.0
- gtools 3.9.2
- gtsummary 1.5.0
- GUTS 1.1.1
- gWidgets2-1.0-8
- gWidgets2tcltk-1.0-6
- GxEScanR 2.0.2
- h2o
- hal9001 0.4.1
- harmony 0.1.0
- hash
- haven 2.4.3
- hdf5r 1.3.4
- hdm 0.3.1
- heatmap3 1.1.9
- here 1.0.1
- hexbin 1.28.2
- HiddenMarkov-1.8-13
- highr 0.9
- Hmisc-4.6-0
- hms 1.1.1
- htmlTable 2.3.0
- htmltools 0.5.2
- htmlwidgets 1.5.4
- httpcode 0.3.0
- httpuv 1.6.3
- httr 1.4.2
- huge 1.3.5
- hunspell 3.0.1
- hwriter 1.3.2
- HWxtest 1.1.9
- ica-1.0-2
- IDPmisc 1.1.20
- idr 1.2
- ids 1.0.1
- ie2misc 0.8.6
- igraph 1.2.7
- image.binarization 0.1.2
- imager 0.42.10
- imagerExtra 1.3.2
- ineq-0.2-13
- influenceR
- infotheo 1.2.0
- ini 0.3.1
- inline 0.3.19
- intergraph-2.0-2
- interpretR 0.2.4
- intrinsicDimension 1.2.0
- inum-1.0-4
- ipred-0.9-12
- irace 3.4.1
- irlba 2.3.3
- ismev 1.42
- Iso-0.0-18.1
- isoband 0.2.5
- ISOcodes 2021.02.24
- iterators 1.0.13
- itertools-0.1-3
- JADE-2.0-3
- janeaustenr 0.1.5
- JBTools
- jiebaR 0.11
- jiebaRD 0.1
- jomo-2.7-2
- jpeg-0.1-9
- jquerylib 0.1.4
- jsonify 1.2.1
- jsonlite 1.7.2
- jstable 1.0.7
- kde1d 1.0.3
- kedd 1.0.3
- kernlab-0.9-29
- KernSmooth-2.23-20
- klaR-0.6-15
- knitr 1.36
- KODAMA 1.8
- kohonen 3.0.10
- ks 1.13.2
- labdsv-2.0-1
- labeling 0.4.2
- labelled 2.9.0
- laeken 0.5.2
- lambda.r 1.2.4
- LaplacesDemon 16.1.6
- lars 1.2
- lassosum 0.4.5
- later 1.3.0
- lattice-0.20-45
- latticeExtra-0.6-29
- lava 1.6.10
- lavaan-0.6-9
- lazy-1.2-16
- lazyeval 0.2.2
- lda 1.4.2
- ldbounds-1.1-1.1
- leafem 0.1.6
- leaflet
- leaflet.providers 1.9.0
- leafsync 0.1.0
- leaps 3.1
- LearnBayes 2.15.1
- leiden 0.3.9
- lhs 1.1.3
- libcoin-1.0-9
- lifecycle 1.0.1
- limSolve 1.5.6
- linkcomm-1.0-14
- linprog-0.9-2
- liquidSVM 1.2.4
- listenv 0.8.0
- lme4-1.1-27.1
- lmerTest-3.1-3
- lmom 2.8
- Lmoments-1.3-1
- lmtest-0.9-38
- lobstr 1.1.1
- locfdr-1.1-8
- locfit-1.5-9.4
- logcondens 2.1.6
- logistf 1.24
- logspline 2.1.16
- longitudinal 1.1.12
- longmemo-1.1-2
- loo 2.4.1
- lpSolve 5.6.15
- lpSolveAPI-
- lqa-1.0-3
- lsei-1.3-0
- lslx 0.6.10
- lubridate 1.8.0
- lwgeom-0.2-8
- m e
- magic-1.5-9
- magick 2.7.3
- magrittr 2.0.1
- MALDIquant 1.20
- manipulateWidget 0.11.1
- mapproj 1.2.7
- maps 3.4.0
- maptools-1.1-2
- markdown 1.1
- MASS-7.3-54
- Matching-4.9-11
- MatchIt 4.3.0
- mathjaxr-1.4-0
- matlab 1.0.2
- Matrix-1.3-4
- matrixcalc-1.0-5
- MatrixModels-0.5-0
- matrixStats 0.61.0
- maxLik-1.5-2
- maxlike-0.1-8
- maxnet 0.1.4
- mboost-2.9-5
- mclust 5.4.7
- mcmc-0.9-7
- MCMCpack-1.6-0
- mcmcse-1.5-0
- mda-0.5-2
- medflex-0.6-7
- mediation 4.5.0
- memoise 2.0.0
- memuse-4.2-1
- metadat-1.0-0
- metafor-3.0-2
- MetaUtility 2.1.2
- mets 1.2.9
- mgcv-1.8-38
- mgsub 1.7.3
- mhsmm 0.4.16
- mi 1.0
- mice 3.13.0
- miceadds-3.11-6
- microbenchmark 1.4.9
- MIIVsem 0.5.8
- mime 0.12
- minerva 1.5.10
- miniUI
- minpack.lm-1.2-1
- minqa 1.2.4
- mirt 1.35.1
- misc3d-0.9-1
- miscTools-0.6-26
- missForest 1.4
- mitml-0.4-3
- mitools 2.4
- mixtools 1.2.0
- mlbench-2.1-3
- mlegp 3.1.8
- mlogit-1.1-1
- mlr 2.19.0
- mltools 0.3.5
- mnormt 2.0.2
- ModelMetrics
- modelr 0.1.8
- modeltools-0.2-23
- momentfit 0.2
- moments 0.14
- mpath-0.4-2.19
- mRMRe 2.1.2
- msm 1.6.9
- mstate 0.3.2
- multcomp-1.4-17
- multicool-0.1-12
- multipol-1.0-7
- munsell 0.5.0
- mvabund 4.1.12
- mvnfast 0.2.7
- mvtnorm-1.1-3
- nabor 0.5.0
- naniar 0.6.1
- natserv 1.0.0
- naturalsort 0.1.3
- ncbit 2013.03.29
- ncdf4 1.17
- NCmisc 1.1.6
- network 1.17.1
- networkDynamic 0.11.0
- neuralnet 1.44.2
- neuRosim-0.2-12
- ngspatial-1.2-2
- NISTunits 1.0.1
- nleqslv 3.3.2
- nlme-3.1-153
- nloptr
- NLP-0.2-1
- nlsem 0.8
- nnet-7.3-16
- nnls 1.4
- nonnest2-0.5-5
- nor1mix-1.3-0
- norm-1.0-9.5
- nortest-1.0-4
- np-0.60-11
- npsurv-0.5-0
- numDeriv-2016.8-1.1
- oai 0.3.2
- oce-1.4-0
- OceanView 1.0.6
- oddsratio 2.0.1
- openair-2.8-6
- OpenMx 2.19.8
- openssl 1.4.5
- openxlsx 4.2.4
- operator.tools 1.6.3
- optextras-2019-12.4
- optimr-2019-12.16
- optimx-2021-10.12
- optmatch-0.9-15
- optparse 1.7.1
- ordinal-2019.12-10
- origami 1.0.5
- orthopolynom-1.0-5
- outliers 0.14
- p a
- packrat 0.7.0
- pacman 0.5.1
- pammtools 0.5.8
- pamr 1.56.1
- pan 1.6
- parallelly 1.28.1
- parallelMap 1.5.1
- ParamHelpers 1.14
- parsedate 1.2.1
- party-1.3-9
- partykit-1.2-15
- pastecs 1.3.21
- patchwork 1.1.1
- pbapply-1.5-0
- pbivnorm 0.6.0
- pbkrtest 0.5.1
- PCAmatchR 0.3.0
- pcaPP-1.9-74
- pdp 0.7.0
- PearsonDS 1.2.1
- pec 2022.03.06
- penalized-0.9-51
- penfa 0.1.1
- peperr 1.3
- PermAlgo 1.1
- permute-0.9-5
- phangorn 2.7.1
- pheatmap 1.0.12
- phylobase 0.8.10
- phytools-0.7-90
- pillar 1.6.4
- pim 2.0.2
- pinfsc50 1.2.0
- pixmap-0.4-12
- pkgbuild 1.2.0
- pkgconfig 2.0.3
- pkgload 1.2.3
- pkgmaker 0.32.2
- plogr 0.2.0
- plot3D 1.4
- plot3Drgl 1.0.2
- plotly 4.10.0
- plotmo 3.6.1
- plotrix-3.8-2
- pls-2.8-0
- plyr 1.8.6
- png-0.1-7
- PoissonSeq 1.1.2
- poLCA 1.4.1
- polspline 1.1.19
- polyclip-1.10-0
- polycor-0.7-10
- polynom-1.4-0
- posterior 1.1.0
- prabclus-2.3-2
- pracma 2.3.3
- praise 1.0.0
- PresenceAbsence 1.1.9
- preseqR 4.0.0
- prettyGraphs 2.1.6
- prettyunits 1.1.1
- pROC 1.18.0
- processx 3.5.2
- prodlim 2019.11.13
- profileModel 0.6.1
- proftools-0.99-3
- progress 1.2.2
- progressr 0.9.0
- projpred 2.0.2
- promises
- proto 1.0.0
- proxy-0.4-26
- pryr 0.1.5
- ps 1.6.0
- pscl 1.5.5
- pspline-1.0-18
- psych 2.1.9
- Publish 2020.12.23
- pulsar 0.3.7
- purrr 0.3.4
- pvclust-2.2-0
- qgam 1.3.3
- qgraph 1.9
- qqman 0.1.8
- qrnn 2.0.5
- quadprog-1.5-8
- quantmod 0.4.18
- quantreg 5.86
- questionr 0.7.5
- R.cache 0.15.0
- R.matlab 3.6.2
- R.methodsS3 1.8.1
- R.oo 1.24.0
- R.rsp 0.44.0
- R.utils 2.11.0
- R6 2.5.1
- randomForest-4.6-14
- randomForestSRC 2.13.0
- randtoolbox 1.31.1
- rangeModelMetadata 0.1.4
- ranger 0.13.1
- RANN 2.6.1
- rapidjsonr 1.2.0
- rappdirs 0.3.3
- raster-3.5-2
- rasterVis 0.51.0
- ratelimitr 0.4.1
- rbibutils 2.2.4
- rbison 1.0.0
- Rborist-0.2-3
- RCAL 2.0
- Rcgmin-2013-2.21
- RCircos 1.2.1
- rcmdcheck 1.4.0
- RColorBrewer-1.1-2
- Rcpp 1.0.7
- RcppArmadillo
- RcppEigen
- RcppGSL 0.3.10
- RcppParallel 5.1.4
- RcppProgress 0.4.2
- RcppRoll 0.3.0
- RcppThread 1.0.0
- RCurl-1.98-1.5
- rda-1.0.2-2.1
- Rdpack 2.1.2
- rdrop2
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- reader 1.0.6
- readODS 1.7.0
- readr 2.0.2
- readxl 1.3.1
- rebird 1.3.0
- recipes 0.1.17
- RefFreeEWAS 2.2
- registry-0.5-1
- regsem 1.8.0
- relsurv-2.2-7
- rematch 1.0.1
- rematch2 2.1.2
- remotes 2.4.1
- rentrez 1.2.3
- reprex 2.0.1
- resample 0.4
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- reshape2 1.4.4
- reticulate 1.22
- rex 1.2.0
- rgbif 3.6.0
- RGCCA 2.1.2
- rgdal-1.5-27
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- rgexf 0.16.2
- rgl 0.107.14
- Rglpk-0.6-4
- ridigbio 0.3.5
- RInside 0.2.16
- rio 0.5.27
- riskRegression 2022.03.09
- ritis 1.0.0
- RItools-0.1-17
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- RJSONIO-1.3-1.6
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- rle 0.9.2
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- rmarkdown 2.11
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- Rmpi-0.6-9.2
- rms-6.2-0
- RMTstat 0.3
- rncl 0.8.4
- rnetcarto 0.2.4
- RNeXML 2.4.5
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- rngWELL-0.10-7
- robustbase-0.93-9
- ROCR-1.0-11
- ROI-1.0-0
- ROI.plugin.glpk-1.0-0
- Rook-1.1-1
- rootSolve
- rotl 3.0.11
- roxygen2 7.1.2
- rpact 3.2.1
- rpart-4.1-15
- rpf 1.0.11
- RPMM 1.25
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- Rserve-1.7-3.1
- RSNNS-0.4-14
- Rsolnp 1.16
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- Rssa 1.0.4
- rstan 2.21.2
- rstantools 2.1.1
- rstatix 0.7.0
- rstudioapi 0.13
- Rtsne 0.15
- Rttf2pt1 1.3.9
- RUnit 0.4.32
- ruv
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- rvertnet 0.8.2
- rvest 1.0.2
- rvinecopulib
- Rvmmin-2018-4.17.1
- RWeka-0.4-43
- RWekajars-3.9.3-2
- s p
- s t
- s t
- s2 1.0.7
- sampling 2.9
- sandwich-3.0-1
- sass 0.4.0
- SBdecomp 1.1
- scales 1.1.1
- scam-1.2-12
- scatterplot3d-0.3-41
- sctransform 0.3.2
- SDMTools-1.1-221.2
- seewave 2.1.8
- segmented-1.3-4
- selectr-0.4-2
- sem-3.1-13
- semPLS-1.0-10
- semTools-0.5-5
- sendmailR-1.2-1
- sensemakr 0.1.4
- seqinr-4.2-8
- servr 0.23
- sessioninfo 1.2.0
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- sfsmisc-1.1-12
- shape 1.4.6
- shapefiles 0.7
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- shinyjs 2.0.0
- shinystan 2.5.0
- shinythemes 1.2.0
- signal-0.7-7
- SignifReg 4.2
- simex 1.8
- SimSeq 1.4.0
- SKAT 2.0.1
- slam-0.1-48
- sm-2.2-5.7
- smoother 1.1
- sn 2.0.0
- sna 2.6
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- snow-0.4-4
- SnowballC 0.7.0
- snowfall-1.84-6.1
- SOAR-0.99-11
- solrium 1.2.0
- som-0.3-5.1
- soundecology 1.3.3
- sourcetools 0.1.7
- sp-1.4-5
- spaa 0.2.2
- spam-2.7-0
- spaMM 3.9.13
- SparseM 1.81
- SPAtest 3.1.2
- spatial-7.3-14
- spatstat-2.2-0
- spatstat.core-2.3-0
- spatstat.data-2.1-0
- spatstat.geom-2.3-0
- spatstat.linnet-2.3-0
- spatstat.sparse-2.0-0
- spatstat.utils-2.2-0
- spData 2.0.1
- splitstackshape 1.4.8
- spls-2.2-3
- spocc 1.2.0
- spThin 0.2.0
- SQUAREM 2021.1
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- stabs-0.6-4
- StanHeaders-2.21.0-7
- stargazer 5.2.2
- stars-0.5-3
- startupmsg 0.9.6
- StatMatch 1.4.0
- statmod 1.4.36
- statnet 2019.6
- statnet.common 4.5.0
- stdReg 3.4.1
- stopwords 2.3
- stringdist 0.9.8
- stringi 1.7.5
- stringr 1.4.0
- strucchange-1.5-2
- styler 1.6.2
- subplex 1.6
- SuperLearner-2.0-28
- SuppDists-1.1-9.5
- survey-4.1-1
- survival-3.2-13
- survivalROC 1.0.3
- svd 0.5
- symmoments 1.2.1
- sys 3.4
- t c
- t o
- tableone 0.13.0
- taxize 0.9.99
- tcltk2-1.2-11
- tclust-1.4-2
- TeachingDemos 2.12
- tensor 1.5
- tensorA 0.36.2
- tergm 4.0.2
- terra-1.4-11
- testit 0.13
- testthat 3.1.0
- TFisher 0.2.0
- TH.data-1.1-0
- threejs 0.3.3
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- tictoc 1.0.1
- tidygraph 1.2.0
- tidyr 1.1.4
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- tiff-0.1-8
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- tinytex 0.34
- tkrplot-0.0-26
- tm-0.7-8
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- tmaptools-3.1-1
- TMB 1.7.22
- tmle
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- tmvtnorm-1.4-10
- tokenizers 0.2.1
- topicmodels-0.2-12
- TraMineR-2.2-2
- tree-1.0-41
- triebeard 0.3.0
- trimcluster-0.1-5
- tripack-1.3-9.1
- truncnorm-1.0-8
- trust-0.1-8
- tseries-0.10-48
- tseriesChaos-0.1-13.1
- tsna 0.3.4
- tsne-0.1-3
- TTR 0.24.2
- tuneR
- twang 2.5
- tweedie 2.3.3
- tweenr 1.0.2
- tzdb 0.2.0
- u t
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- unbalanced 2.0
- uniqueAtomMat-0.1-3-2
- units-0.7-2
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- UpSetR 1.4.0
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- urltools 1.7.3
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- vcd-1.4-9
- vcfR 1.12.0
- vctrs 0.3.8
- vegan-2.5-7
- VennDiagram 1.7.0
- VGAM-1.1-5
- VIM 6.1.1
- VineCopula 2.4.3
- vioplot 0.3.7
- vipor 0.4.5
- viridis 0.6.2
- viridisLite 0.4.0
- visdat 0.5.3
- visNetwork 2.1.0
- vroom 1.5.5
- VSURF 1.1.0
- waldo 0.3.1
- waveslim 1.8.2
- wdm 0.2.2
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- WeightSVM-1.7-9
- wellknown 0.7.4
- whisker 0.4
- widgetframe 0.3.1
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- WikipediR 1.5.0
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- wk 0.5.0
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- xts 0.12.1
- yaImpute-1.0-32
- yaml 2.2.1
- zeallot 0.1.0
- zip 2.2.0
- zoo-1.8-9
More Information
For more information visit the R website.
This version of R has a direct dependency on: bzip2/1.0.8-GCCcore-11.2.0 cairo/1.16.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 cURL/7.78.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 FFTW/3.3.10-gompi-2021b foss/2021b GDAL/3.3.2-foss-2021b GLPK/5.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 GMP/6.2.1-GCCcore-11.2.0 GSL/2.7-GCC-11.2.0 HDF5/1.12.1-gompi-2021b ICU/69.1-GCCcore-11.2.0 ImageMagick/7.1.0-4-GCCcore-11.2.0 Java/11 libgit2/1.1.1-GCCcore-11.2.0 libGLU/9.0.2-GCCcore-11.2.0 libjpeg-turbo/2.0.6-GCCcore-11.2.0 libpng/1.6.37-GCCcore-11.2.0 libreadline/8.1-GCCcore-11.2.0 libsndfile/1.0.31-GCCcore-11.2.0 LibTIFF/4.3.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 libxml2/2.9.10-GCCcore-11.2.0 Mesa/21.1.7-GCCcore-11.2.0 MPFR/4.1.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 ncurses/6.2-GCCcore-11.2.0 NLopt/2.7.0-GCCcore-11.2.0 nodejs/14.17.6-GCCcore-11.2.0 OpenSSL/1.1 PCRE2/10.37-GCCcore-11.2.0 SQLite/3.36-GCCcore-11.2.0 Tk/8.6.11-GCCcore-11.2.0 UDUNITS/2.2.28-GCCcore-11.2.0 X11/20210802-GCCcore-11.2.0 XZ/5.2.5-GCCcore-11.2.0 zlib/1.2.11-GCCcore-11.2.0
Required By
This version of R is a direct dependent of: arrow-R/ R-bundle-Bioconductor/3.14-foss-2021b-R-4.1.2
Other Versions
These versions of R are available on the BEAR systems (BlueBEAR and BEAR Cloud VMs). These will be retained in accordance with our Applications Support and Retention Policy.
Last modified on 26th May 2022